Why Do Australians Love Coffee This Much?

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Every love story has its twists and turns, but fewer love stories can beat that of Aussies and their coffee cup.

This article seeks to find out why.

But first, some coffee.

My Love Of Coffee Comes From My Heritage.’

During the WWII Era, Italian immigrants brought with them the infamous Achille Gaggia’s espresso-style coffee machines while settling in Australia.

However, coffee-brewing culture picked up when American servicemen (who were either passing through or staying) were readily welcomed into Australian households with a cup of coffee. Around that time, methods of brewing were being publicised via the newspaper.

Australians began to find delight in the new alternative that is coffee, as opposed to tea which was in plenty, much to the chagrin of many.


In the ‘60s, migrants began moving into the inner cities. That migration sparked the birth of many espresso bars and cafes.

The entry of the espresso-style machines then favoured a less bitter brew with a creamy top. This new taste sensationally attracted many middle-class citizens and several curious hipsters and teens who were bored of the usual milk bars.

This pretty much explains why a major multichain coffee house almost wholly collapsed here, as people simply refused to drink below-average coffee. It also explains why Australian baristas are almost always sought after beyond their borders.

Giving the Coffee a Personal Touch:

The Covid-19 pandemic presented a rather unusual silver lining to the Australian household. With it came forth an uptake of coffee machines and more Aussies were keen on brewing their own coffee.

Also, most of us would soon work remotely, and the walk to the local cafe seemed lengthy. Bearing in mind, a cup of flat white would set us back at least $4 and we would view this as a luxury.

It left us little choice but to walk to the kitchen counter, and fix a cup to our liking.

To give a pleasant, indulgent kick of flavour to each cup, it is encouraged to add a coffee syrup of your preference.

Purchasing a coffee syrup would not only add some “barista” feel and taste but is also a long-term economic saving hack for the household. Every syrup purchased is equivalent to at least 3 ‘grab-on-the-go’ cups.

With a variety of flavours, Aussies can now customise their however they fancy. And who knows, one could stumble onto the next big discovery after the Flat White!

Fun Facts:

1. At least 1.3 million coffees are consumed every day here.

2. Melbourne is considered the Coffee Capital of the World.

3. Australians love their coffee simple, so Flat White would do!

4. 65% of Australians own a coffee machine at home.