4 Ways To Use Strawberry Syrup


Whether it’s for weight loss, or searching for the “that’s so good” feeling in your plate or cup, strawberry syrups are the perfect condiment for your homemade recipes.

They are also a healthier alternative to the classical corn starch syrups – packing no calories.

For the Morning Sip…

Drizzling some strawberry syrup into your favourite hot beverage in the morning gives you an endorphin boost that will have you go to work happy.

If you like your beverages cold, you can still be a sweet tooth by adding just a dash of Stellar strawberry syrup. Recreate your favourite strawberry milkshake by mixing some syrup, ice cream and milk depending on the consistency you prefer.

You can also add a tablespoon or two of the syrup to some iced latte to give that extra kick for the day’s routine.

or Fun-filled Evenings!

Wondering how to treat your after-work guests at home?

Add a dash of strawberry syrup to your mocktails and cocktails then back to watch a party unfold just like that.

Strawberry syrups easily pair with evening drinks, owing to their sweet, bright-red appeal, thereby adding colour and some buzz. We call it the splash of summer!

Teetotallers are not left behind either. If you prefer sparkling water, you can add two tablespoons of syrup to your glass and turn it into strawberry soda. That way, your glass won’t have to be bland any more.


Strawberry syrup is a classic sweetener for breakfast foods. Take for example, When was the last time you had strawberry pancakes? You can switch up your pancake flavours in two ways:

a. Add some of the syrup in the pancake batter, before the pancakes are made, or

b. Drizzle some syrup on freshly prepared pancakes, either as a stand-alone top-up syrup or pairing it with other syrups such as maple or blueberry.

You can also use the syrup as a top-up for waffles and crepes.

And if you are an oatmeal lover, the Stellar strawberry syrup is the ingredient you wished you never missed as you indulge.

It can also be mixed with granola, berries and yoghurt to give a heavy-breakfast feel.

Vs Desserts!

For desserts; strawberry syrup can be used as follows:

a. As an ice cream float – You can either drizzle on top of the ice cream scoop or add the syrup first to the bowl before adding the scoop.

b. As a dessert sauce dip – Strawberry syrup can be mixed with chocolate sauce to make a dip for desserts. Just dip and munch!

c. As a soak in cakes – The syrup can be applied on layers of cake and cupcakes before frosting. The syrup adds to the moisture and sponginess of the cake.

d. As a glaze for fresh fruit on tarts and pies.

e. As Toppings, in place of sugar as whipping cream for frosting.